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Monday, November 2, 2020

Bits and Pieces

There are bits and pieces of Angie's talent all over our houses. 

Just this morning I took a closer look at a picture that's hanging in the room I'm staying in....which used to be Samuel's room....LaVonn and Tim's oldest son.

It's a collage of the lucky 3 year old getting to ride on the combine with his dad the farmer.

Angie has done several of these photo collages where she hand cuts all the matt openings for a series of photos usually from a special event.  Paul and I have one of a family sledding day.

And since I'm enjoying watching the combine come and seems like a perfect post. I might be as excited about the combine as little 3 year old Samuel.

It's details like this that make Angie's photo collages special. 
How cute is little 3 year old Samuel sitting in the corner of the collage.

Two happy boys.

I think it must be every boy's dream to ride on any big piece of machinery.

Then there's this gem.  My nephew Samuel (that little guy grew up very tall) is in the Sam is on the left, my nephew Fred on the right, and LaVonn's other son Ben peeking out the middle.  Samuel, Sam, and Fred are all within a few months of each other in age so enjoyed getting together for family reunions.

What's unique about this that Angie mounted it on wood and meticulously cut it out so it will stand.  We found this in one of her boxes.

This prompted me to text Paul to take a photo of Satchel the dog and Bucky Katt...from Get of his favorite comic strips.  And yes....Angie mounted the images on wood and cut them out and they sit in his office to remind him the importance of humor in his life.  These two little guys will find a new home in the condo soon....with a lot of other bits and pieces of Angie's talents.

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