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Tuesday, November 3, 2020

Walking the Farm

It was a day filled with this and that trying to keep my mind off the election.....and I'm posting this tonight before we know much. But no matter what the outcome is....there will always be something each day that will bring me joy. That may be the only thing I am sure of.

The combine just sat on today....Tim spent the day working at the polls and he's still not home. The polling place is where I grew up going to 4-H meetings.  

It was almost 70 degrees today and I took a walk back in the fields of the farm while Angie was busy working on a project. It was a spectacular late fall day.....JOY!

The wabi-sabi brown dried fields were such a stark contrast to the rich blue sky.

This was a surprise....I'll have to ask Tim what it is.

A different view of the farm.

I loved all these different layers.

When I was younger we used to cut up Christmas cards and glue them into dried milkweed pods for Christmas ornaments.  We'd use glitter and fake snow....and I loved it!

Found this online...and it looks just like what I remember.

Didn't expect this....there must be a story here.

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