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Sunday, December 13, 2020


"We're a nation hungry for more joy: because we're starving from a lack of gratitude."  Brene Brown

Tracie sent me this quote yesterday....very timely since the Advent week of JOY began today! It's hard to be joyful without gratitude. 

Speaking of being hungry for joy....making cookies is a good place to start! 

Tracie also shared photos of her grandson rolling and cutting out sugar cookies....pure joy! Tracie is one of those people who also looks for beauty and joy everyday....and she often shares it with me and I'm grateful!

Angie was busy making cookies a few days ago...all on her own....a sure sign that she's having some good days. They decorated them that evening with LaVonn's granddaughter.

And LaVonn and Angie were busy again today making several different kinds.

And Marilyn's grandchildren Aras and Ayla in England were busy too!

That had limited cookies they created their own shapes. 
I think they're beautiful. Cookies=Joy!

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