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Saturday, December 12, 2020

Still On My Table

"Here's to noticing what's beautiful right here where you are." Morgan Harper Nichols

The 2000 piece art supply puzzle is still on my table at the just hasn't been a priority.  

My first goal was to have it done by the end of the summer. That didn't happen. Then I set my sights on the end of fall and that didn't happen either.  Now I really need to have it done by the time of our move in early February.  Somehow the thoughts of a puzzle sitting in the middle of the living room while movers are in and out seems....unwise.

For a long time I was averaging only 5 or 6 pieces a day....but just recently I've gotten back at it a little more regularly and it's getting easier with less pieces to search through. 

I helped Janice with a project was fun seeing her collection of trees.

And Paul and I delivered birthday soup to Marita today...and it was fun seeing this beautiful tree full of red berries in her backyard.

Finding beauty wherever I am.

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