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Friday, December 11, 2020

Oy Vey!

Last evening was the first day of Hanukkah and Margie pointed out that yesterday's "Oy" post was a nod to the Yiddish "Oy Vey"....meaning dismay or grief.  She rounded out the connections that we are about to enter the third week of Advent....the week of JOY making the post even more timely.

It makes me smile that my mother-in-law is clever and often making life connections to my of the many reasons I love her.

Speaking of Margie....I have a story to tell.

More than a week ago she had a little stumble....nothing serious thank goodness...but she did end up on the floor.  In the process the foam core board on her coffee table that held a 1/2 done 1000 piece puzzle went flying and so did the pieces. Oy Vey!

When I visited of my tasks was to pick up and find all the pieces.....they were EVERYWHERE!  I even found some sitting on top of books on the bookshelf.  I scoured the floor knowing the cleaning staff would want to vacuum.....but we weren't certain we found them all.  The only way to find out is for her to restart and finish the puzzle...but she was up for it.

Sure enough....yesterday when I visited there was a missing piece.  She was devastated. 

Oddly enough I think I was up for the challenge....I fully expected there to be a missing piece or two. Even after I cleaned up Margie found several more. 

The first place I looked was behind the books on the bookshelf.  If a piece was able to land on top of the books....why wouldn't one go behind.  Sure enough.....there it was.

I actually bought this puzzle as a gift for someone....but I wanted Margie to do it first. And now it has a great story to go with it...from Oy JOY!

Speaking of Margie....when I helped her decorate for Christmas I got rid of a few deflated birthday balloons given to her by the staff at her facility.  One particular deflated balloon was filled with some of course I took it home and now I have tissue circles to play with!  One woman's trash...will probably end up in a journal or on a card.

And here's one more of her recently finished puzzles....another one I'm looking forward to.  She gives me a good excuse to buy puzzles that I know I'm going to enjoy....someday. Oy Vey.....JOY!

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