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Thursday, December 3, 2020

Fruit Snippets

"If you're thankful, show it. If you love someone, tell them. If you're wrong, fess up. If you're confused, ask questions. If you learn something, teach others. If you're stuck, ask for help. If you made a mistake, apologize. If you trip, get back up. If someone needs help, help them. If you see wrong, take a stance."  

Much of my day was spent on my commission fabric stained glass piece....which is getting pretty close to being done.  Once it's delivered I'll be able to share it here.

I have been cutting out images of fruits for quite some time.  There's something about the warm colors and simple shapes....especially pears that draw me right in.  I found some snippets in a folder....and I had some on my bulletin board and I'm sure I'll find more. I'm going to play around with them a bit...alter them...and work some of them them into my sketchbook as a collage element.

I said there would be polka dots.  

I think I need to knock down the paint a bit....but I can do that when I collage it in. This page needs some paint and background....but this might be where this pear will live. 

This sketchbook challenge is going to take me well into....if not through 2021....and that's just fine. I'm going to enjoy working on bits and pieces when I have time.  
Just before I posted this I had an's already better.
I need more hours in the day!

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