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Friday, December 4, 2020

Lucky Day

I joked with Paul when I made my rainbow wreath that he/we needed to find more purple objects.....and today was our lucky day.  You know your life is simple when a broken piece of purple plastic is one of the highlights!

I sewed the binding onto the stained glass piece today....and I'm happy to report that it's mounted and finished and I'm going to deliver it this weekend. My fused binding technique that wraps around the canvas works so well and I'll be using it again and again. You can see here that I just added a strip of fusible webbing along the edge that I pull around and iron to the back of the canvas. So simple!

And...that piece of yellow fuzz you see brushed right off.  I do have to be careful, however, that I don't fuse in fuzzy yarns or things laying around the studio.  One time I fused in a piece of my hair that had fallen....I couldn't pull it out so I had to snip it off.  It's always good to leave a little of your DNA in a piece.  

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