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Monday, January 25, 2021

New Beginnings

"Welcome the imperfection. Welcome the daily lessons. Welcome the stories that take decades to write. Welcome the slow steady growth. Welcome every little thing on the journey that brings you alive. Welcome the process of who you are becoming one breath at a time."  Morgan Harper Nichols

Many of you know that Paul's sister Liz collects images and photographs of people reading....and every year I make her a readers calendar for her birthday. I wrote about the most recent one here in this blog post:

I'm always on the lookout....and I pause everytime I come across a reader and think of Liz. It's always good to pause for any's good for your soul.  

When I got home from Wisconsin with my stack of postcards Angie had collected from my grandmother I found this one....and it was just perfect for Liz.  I set is aside to get it in the mail but it got lost in the shuffle. Then just a few days ago I found it again as I was cleaning and packing so it's finally on the way to Colorado.

And look who sent it to my grandmother...another Elizabeth!  

Liz recently lost her husband to a long term illness....and I just learned yesterday that she is retiring at the end of March.  She's had many layers of grief and joy and is about to start a whole new chapter in her life. So to paraphrase the post card..."May the dawn of every morn bring lasting joy to thee." 

"Welcome the process of who you are becoming."

Here's to new beginnings!

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