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Saturday, January 23, 2021

Noticing Again

A photo of this paper tube project sits at the top of my blog.... I barely notice it anymore.  

The original has been hanging in the bathroom in Lexington....and I barely noticed it there either. But today it came down and it was nice to hold it in my hands and really look at it again. I don't know yet where it will hang at the condo....but it deserves a spot where I will notice it!

One day I'll go back to making these....I think they're fun!

I Spy Bernie!  If you don't know the story about this image of Bernie Sanders in his mittens from the inauguration...just google it.....or you can link to this article.  It's "just Bernie being Bernie."

Bernie is appearing everywhere all over the internet....and here he's enjoying the the pond at the condo.

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