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Friday, January 22, 2021

Thank You Hancock!

"Cling to Joy: audacious and unbridled joy, that looks for light in everything, even in your waiting." Morgan Harper Nichols

I've shared a few glimpses of a fabric piece I've been working on....and it's finally hanging in its new home.

Back in 2015 our church went through a major renovation which included an elevator and an open center staircase with fabulous windows looking into the memorial garden.  There were two art niches built into the walls on two different landings of the stairway, and for the grand opening Joan and I made a tree quilt for one of them.  You can see and read about that here:

But the second irregular shaped niche has been empty....until now.

As a token of my appreciation to Hancock Church I'm leaving a little piece of my joy. 

It may still be a while before the doors are open....but virtual Hancock Church continues to be vibrant and joyful...even while they're waiting.

The quilt is made up of hundreds of tiny pieces of fused batik fabrics and
I'll share a little about the process in another post.

It hangs in the niche in the upper landing of the stairwell where you access the balcony and the youth space. You get just a glimpse of it from the sanctuary level and I kind of like that's tucked out of the way....a somewhat literal reminder to always look for joy.

I wasn't prepared to have my photo taken on the day Joan and I installed it....but here I am in all my dishevelled glory. Thank you Hancock Church for inviting Paul and me to share in part of your journey. 

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