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Thursday, February 18, 2021

In Between

I found this screenshot of a story by Morgan Harper Nichols on the desktop of my computer....and it's just what I needed to read today.  She's good to me that way. 

Morgan reminded me that I'm in one of my "billion moments in between."  Endings can be difficult....and beginnings are sometimes daunting....and this is the first day in awhile I feel like I can relax a little and tackle the tasks in front of me with a little less anxiety....and be more at peace in between.

I don't think I've ever introduced you to Oscar. He's been living with us for most of our marriage...and now he needs to find his new spot at the condo. Before he started moving around with us he lived at Paul's mom and dad's house and before that at Paul's grandparent's. Paul's grandfather, Burrell Shupe, was a wallpaperer and Oscar was payment for one of his jobs. He's an odd fellow....but we love him.

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