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Friday, February 19, 2021

New Tool

I've mostly been working downstairs at the condo trying to get rid of boxes and clutter. I've started arranging the new shelf in the living room which is one of my favorite things to do....but I kind of obsess over it and I'll be tweaking for days. There will be that moment....when will be good enough...for now.

But I think it's time to give a little attention to the studio in the next several days...lots to do there.  I'm a little baffled at the moment trying to create the best furniture layout for my work zones...but I'll get there eventually. And like the shelves....I'll just keep tweaking.

But I did spend a few minutes trying out a new tool I've had for several weeks. I bought two inexpensive fineline applicators and I'm going to use them for acrylic for black and one for white.

The tip is a very fine tube/needle...and when you lightly squeeze it works like a pen.  The cap has a needle that fits down in the tube to keep it clear and unclogged.

I'll use it for scribble accents....and messy writing and swirly designs on my collage. I can be more loose and organic than I can with a pen....but it is going to take some practice.

I played around with it on some gelli print rejects...and I think I'm going to enjoy using it.  Tomorrow I'll play with white.

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