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Friday, February 12, 2021

On The Corner

One of my greatest joys while living in Lexington has been morning walks with Anita and Janet.  Most of the time it was the three of us...and sometimes it was just two of us...or the two of them. But weather permitting...we were pretty loyal.

They've been walking together for 20+ years....and I'm so tickled they let me tag along for almost 12.  We all live within a block of each other and we would text or email in the mornings to make our plan to meet "on the corner" exactly between all our houses.

They showed me the nooks and crannies of Lexington along trails, down woodland paths, and around ponds and neighborhoods.  We chit chatted and had heart to heart talks and sometimes engaged with neighbors...and even got a few garden tours.  We've carried other people's trash home to be our treasures and picked up found objects and bits of nature. 

Just for fun this evening I put "Anita and Janet" in the search box on the blog....and took my own walk down memory lane.  Then I put each name in....they've both had a big presence in my life here.

They were patient when something caught my eye....they knew I couldn't help myself...I had to pause and look.....and photograph.  Just a few days ago Janet spied this 💜 in on the path....seemed kind of fitting for that last walk.  I love these two....and will miss meeting them on the corner.  

Back in 2016 I wrote a post about their "walks with a purpose"....and I smiled every time they handed off the coins and talked about their "stash."  You can read about it here:


  1. We will miss you on our walks! You helped us to take time to notice so many beautiful and interesting things along the way.
