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Saturday, February 13, 2021

One Room At A Time

I've been in charge for most of the house packing. Paul was completely immersed in closing things up at church....and that's exactly where his energy needed to go. And this week he needed to take a trip to Maine for a few days.  With me in charge....I approached it like I do almost everything....working hard...but flipping from one task to another never finishing one space completely.  I got quite a lot done...but it was hard to see too much visual progress....and every space was a mess. 

But today we worked together taking one room at a time...and Paul wouldn't let us move on until we got closure with all the boxes taped and labeled, and the floors swept and the rugs rolled up. There are only a few spaces left....and some final cleaning for tomorrow and we'll be ready for the moving truck on Monday.  Phew! 

I've taken so many photos of this view from my puzzle table....usually so full of color and life. This has been one of my favorite spots in the whole house and it has served me well.

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