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Monday, March 29, 2021

Adding To The Story

At the beginning of the "From Sketchbook to Wall" course Tansy shared some beautiful little nature books where she draws some of her inspiration.  

I immediately thought of Paul's childhood Audubon Nature we sat one evening looking through several books.  Not only are there beautiful photographs and paintings...but there are also wonderful sketches and illustrations of all things nature. At the time I wondered if somehow I would be able to use them as inspiration for my piece. 

Our homework today was making marks and adding text to add interest and texture.  Tansy showed us all kind of techniques....many I had never thought of. One of the techniques allowed me to use some of the images of the woodsy ferns and twigs I found in the encyclopedias. The images may get cut up....but they'll be there peeking through here and there adding to the story. And I don't think I mentioned that the stripes are all from some of Paul's tired Oxford cloth work shirts....yet another layer of the story.

I also found an image of snowdrops....the only thing blooming in my yard right now. 

Speaking of text....I'm off and running with the Hancock Church Project Group puzzle.  I'm going to take my time and enjoy every's going to be a busy week.

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