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Monday, March 1, 2021

Doing My Best

I still think it's pretty funny that Paul reads our horoscopes every morning and he was pretty excited to tell me mine:

TAURUS (April 20-May 20) 
It's the perfect day to toss out debris and get your workspace 
neat and organized.  Minimize stress with efficiency.

He knew that I had already decided that today was a day to mostly work upstairs....for some reason I've been putting it off.  It's a long way from neat and organized....but I had a good time getting started and I can see the potential...I'm excited to get back to some art soon.

Because I'm moving things around just a bit....I had one wall with a shelf that needed to be adjusted and I knew I couldn't move forward until I tended to it.  Today I took the shelf down...which included 4 anchors for the brackets which left very big holes...and I fixed it the right way. I filled the holes, sanded, filled again, sanded, primed, and painted and now it's ready to reinvent.

And this bright and cheery message from Lynn Giunta in my Instagram feed helped did she know?

We've had several days of gloomy rain and fog (which I don't mind actually)....but it cleared late this afternoon and the evening view from the studio window was delightful.

Speaking of view....every morning I join Paul in the living room and I sit on the couch with my coffee and my reading rituals on my computer. I love the view out the patio doors watching the squirrels and the weather.  But today for the first time I enjoyed the view into the kid room....and I'm seeing the potential there too. I do need a better name for it, however.


  1. BTW, how lovely the landscape tying the wall color of your background room into the colors and natural landscape outside

    1. Thanks Amy! I do like a good flow from one room to the other....and to the outside. Thank you so much for noticing....and for your thoughtful comment!
