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Tuesday, March 2, 2021


I was cleaning up my work table in the studio and decided to use the scraps for a little project.  

It's hard for me to throw even a little bit of paper away....and that can be a problem.  But I can always use little motifs for a card...or one of my art journals and I'm quite fond of my little circle sunburst.  I auditioned a couple watercolor circles for the middle.... 

......and I think this was my far.

And...I finally played around with the white fineline applicator.  I wrote about the black one here...and I love the white one just as well.  The printed papers in the background were used for my next 4 x 6 card....but that's all I can say for now.  Becky's went in the mail today...and I'll do Brenda's next week.  I tried something new that I was quite excited about.  Shhhhhh!

Even just a few minutes playing with paper and glue can shift my attitude. 
Much more to come....for the rest of my life!

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