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Wednesday, March 3, 2021

Flowers From Imagination

Sandrine Pelissier, an artist I admire teaches a class called " Painting Flowers From Imagination." I've not taken it...but I've watched some of her videos and am intrigued with her process and her work with flowers and trees.  And I absolutely love the concept of making flowers from my imagination.  

I've kind of done that with my torn paper flowers ( I'm going to revisit it again with a little different twist....and a little more cutting this time. 

I started with this little motif with some simple cut shapes on a collaged background. I wasn't very inspired.....but it got me thinking about all the possibilities for shapes. This most certainly will be a concept that develops over time.

I sat last evening with a box of scraps and cut all kinds of shapes for potential flowers. You gotta start somewhere.

I laid few out this morning....just to get a feel for what might be possible....and what other shapes I might want.  And as I write this this evening I am reminded of one of Jane's flower quilts....another source of inspiration. You can see it here:

My day kind of got away from me and I didn't get back to it...but I will be playing around with this more and hope to come up with a fun way to put together some flowers from my imagination.  It's time to make some cards again.

They kind of remind me of the puzzle Margie had sitting on her coffee table when I visited today.  You gotta love a good burst of color!

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