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Monday, March 22, 2021

Embracing Brown

Yesterday may have been International Colour Day....but today I'm embracing brown. 

I wouldn't let myself move on to the rest of the color parts in the puzzle until I caught up with all the neutrals and browns in the spools. I ended up sorting them by shape (no photo) and that made it go much faster....and quite enjoyable I might add.

All the holes are filled in ready for tomorrow....I was channeling Linda.....explanation is here.  I could have easily finished today....but if you've been paying attention you know I like to savor the end. And that....drives my friend Becky crazy. Sorry Becky.

I just walked away.

This time of year I really have to embrace the browns outdoors too. It feels like spring...but there's not much color. I took a little walk in the woods as I was observing and collecting images for another class. 

Yes....I'm taking another class and I'm still working on the last one.....which is one of the reasons I'm so slow at setting up the condo. That....and my part time job as a board member.  

I'll probably share more about this new class in the next couple days...we're just getting rolling.  Being able to sign up for these classes whenever I wanted has been a dream. I'm finding lots of interesting things out there....and some of them are even free.

But for's about the textures, shapes, layers.....and the browns in the woods....with touches of green and the glorious blue sky.

This one is from our evening stroll around the pond....and by the way....the ducks are back.

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