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Saturday, March 20, 2021

Looking For Spring

It's the vernal equinox....the first day of spring when the daylight almost equals the dark. It always falls on one of 3 days in the northern hemisphere....March 19, 20, or 21st...and this year it's today.

And it felt a bit like spring got to 52 here in Portland so I went out for a walk this afternoon looking for spring. This little crocus was the first thing I found.  Spring is always slow coming here in Portland....I remember Lexington being so much farther ahead as we were going back and forth. But I'll be patient...there's always so much to see once you start looking.

I thought I'd say hello....and "happy spring"....I don't show my face very often here.

And then there was this sign of made me smile from ear to ear.

I happened upon these seed pods I've shared before...they just fascinate me with all their little tunnels and delicate layers.

They're s sign of spring....just because I found them today.

And they have very sharp little needles.

Finally these two teeny tiny little snowdrops in my back garden.  

I had a wonderful clump of snowdrops from my sister Marilyn in Lexington and looked forward to them every year.  I left most of them there...bud did bring a small clump to the condo...and this is all I see so far.  It's a little disappointing....but when you're looking for spring you take what you can get!  They're small...but mighty.