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Friday, March 19, 2021

Second Thoughts

The week is almost over and I realized I hadn't done my keeper card for our 4x6 exchange.  I've come this far....I'm not going to let it slide.  So I gave it a half hearted attempt and experimented with a few variations on my theme for this round of paint pen on tracing paper cutouts.

This time I used star shapes...and experimented with a black paint pen with some gold accents on the rocks.  I will admit that I'm not all that wild about the result...but it's done. 

Round 10:

Then I had a second thought....and liked these leafy designs a little better. So I'll play around with these for a greeting card......I have a lot of second thoughts.

"Your beliefs become your thoughts, your thoughts become your words, your words become your actions, your actions become your habits, your habits become your values, your values become your destiny." Gandhi


  1. MaryAnn, you are sparking creative energy in me! Thank you!

    1. That says a lot coming from you! I admire everything you do! Thank you!
