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Saturday, April 10, 2021

Cool Things

As I was going through my scrapbooks I came across some dried flowers from various events in 1976.....wabi-sabi before I knew it was cool!  For those of you new to the concept of's the "Japanese art of imperfect beauty.  Accepting the natural cycle of growth and decay in which everything has beauty."

The flowers had been pressed and folded into saran wrap and taped in the book. After carefully removing them from the plastic...I was totally amazed how lovely and intact they still were.  There was only one flower that had fallen apart.
The orange daisy still had vibrant color after 45 years... 

....and I was quite taken with the texture and detail in the petals of this white one.

And while I'm on the subject of really cool things I wanted to share this wasps nest Paul found on Margie's patio. It's from last year....and I'm keeping it outside until I'm sure there's no activity. 

It's an absolute work of art and so fragile. There's a part of me that wants to take it all apart so I can see inside....but it's too beautiful as is.

And it got me thinking about s little wasp nest I found last summer that I wrote about here.

It was good to read the list of "Zen Things" in that post....just the reminder I needed today.

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