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Friday, April 9, 2021


Thank you to those of you who shared how you're dealing with "your stuff." I've taken it all to heart....and am starting to let things go.

Going through this large box of memorabilia I mentioned a few days ago has been tedious....and isn't the most practical thing to be tackling right now. I'm still stepping over things in the studio.....I can barely get into the guest room....and the dining room table is covered with things in transition.  But this very large box of memories has been sitting in the dining room since our move and has become a bit of an obsession priority.  I knew if it went into a closet...or over the garage in our storage room it would sit for another 10...or 20 + years.

So I sat for a good chunk of the day continuing to go through more of it....reading letters and birthday cards...and every page of this autograph book from elementary school.

I went through all of my school years with Kim....starting from day one. She lived just up the road and if I remember correctly she also was from a big family.  As I read her entry in this silly autograph book today it made me sad because I don't remember ever being much of a friend to her...even though she thought of of me as one of her "most dearest friends."

Kim was there in my kindergarten class....

....and she was there in my first grade class and every class after that. I don't have a lot of regrets from my growing up days....but today I'm regretting not being a better friend to Kim.


  1. Oh my! I had/have the same autograph book from elementary school, except mine is blue where yours is green. My sister and I received them when we were about to go visit our grandparents, aunts/uncles and cousins overseas. We took them with us so we could get our cousins to sign them. :-)

    Oh! The memories.

    1. Oh my goodness that's too funny. Do you still have yours too? Right now it's in the save pile....but may not make the long term cut. I think I had my moment with it.

    2. I do still have mine. :-) My sister had the same one but in yellow. After she passed, her daughters leafed thru it and found my 'autograph' sentiments and texted it to me. Fun!
