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Thursday, April 29, 2021

LaVonn's box

Like Marilyn and sister LaVonn also included things she found at Angie's house she thought I would like in my birthday box.  One of the things that caught her attention was a card Angie had addressed to Paul and me....but never sent.  It had a 44 cent it had to have been in 2009...and LaVonn finished the task and sent it along.  Better late than never I always say.

But the best thing she found was an envelope of meticulous cutouts of my kids from photos I sent Angie. She did all kinds of things with these photos and I have a few of her projects.  What fun it was to line them up on the table and try to imagine where her plans were. I can picture her at her dining room table...or in her chair by the window....carefully cutting....or writing....while watching the birds.

Here's a Halloween collage Angie did of the kids a long time ago....and I still put it out every year. Each image of the boys is cut out and layered into a shadow box frame with spacers to give the collage dimension.  It's so clever!

This little cutout of Sam makes me melt.

But the very best thing in LaVonn's box was a bit of a mystery at first.  There was a box within the box....and inside that box was a carefully wrapped dried bouquet. LaVonn knows about my love for all things my first thought was that these were dried flowers from Angie's....and that would have been sweet.  But was way better than that.

If you are a follower of the blog you know I tracked a lone volunteer sunflower plant that grew at the end of LaVonn and Tim's driveway and bloomed long after the others had gone by. I posted about it several times during the various stages.....and I adored it. It was still there when I visited at the end of October.

Then...on New Years Eve the plant finally broke off....a perfect metaphor for closing out 2020. I wrote about it here in a post called "Fitting Ending"

Tim recently did his first lawn mowing of the season....and salvaged a few of the dried faded flowers before the mover chewed the rest up.....and LaVonn sent them to me.  

December 31, 2020 may have been a fitting ending....but really the perfect ending. 

Thank you LaVonn and Tim! It's an odd gift....but maybe my favorite one of all!

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