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Friday, April 16, 2021

Round Things

There aren't too many better ways to spend part of a rainy/snowy day than with a puzzle and cup of tea. And the fact that it's round is a nice follow-up to yesterday's post about Eliza's yellow circles.  I love round things.

This one has been fun.....lots of color...and it's interesting the way the pieces fit together given the round format.
And when I'm looking for a particular's kind of comforting to be only thinking about simple things like "bright green with blue dots".....and then be rewarded.  

I had to laugh at myself early on in this one.  I had done the border and just couldn't see how this wild woman was going to connect....the pieces just didn't match up. Then I realized I had to rotate the border like a clock until I found the right position.  Duh!

All was well.

And here's a few fun images from friends....I love it interesting things come to my inbox or across my screen to brighten my day.  Anne sent this licence plate a week or so ago....there's someone else who loves Red Orange Yellow Green Blue Indigo and that order.

And I couldn't have been more excited to see that my stencil watercolor project inspired Lynne to do the same.  Her paintings turned out great.

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