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Thursday, April 15, 2021

Time To Trade

Eliza's mom sent me these photos was actually a little video....and my heart melted.

I don't know who's more excited....Eliza or me...but it's time to trade our journals. 

For anyone who doesn't know what this is all about....5 year old Eliza and I are trading art journals. I described it here in this post:

For the past several weeks I've been working in hers...and she's been working in mine.  Eliza had draw circles on every page of I've gone with that for a theme.

And since yellow is her favorite color...I added some string tassels to the binding of her cover.

I filled in the negative space around her yellow circles on the right and I'm hoping Eliza will decorate the other 1/2 of the circle on the left.

I stitched in a wonky circle watercolor strip I had done a while ago to the center of the's like an extra little page. Then I added the watercolor stripes on the page behind it.  You can't have circles...without a few stripes.
On this page....I wrote in a circle around her yellow circle...and I'm hoping Eliza decorates the inside. 

And here I made a connected circle of circles that I cut from wrapping paper that was actually designed with circles.  

I painted watercolor circles inside Eliza's yellow circle on this page and doodled around the outside. Maybe she will finish the doodles....or I'll keep working on it next time.  

And continuing to celebrate the theme....I'm adding a bag of punched circles to the package just for fun. 

I'm looking forward to getting mine back that Eliza has been working on! Yup....I don't know who's more excited....Eliza or me!

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