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Sunday, April 4, 2021

Sentimental Journey

To those of you who celebrate it....Happy Easter!

Iphoto tells me I snapped this first photo at 5:58 this morning.  You can just barely see Paul walking down the dock with the also barely visible half moon high in the sky....and there was a magical pre dawn glow. Paul and I got up early to catch the Easter sunrise at Town Landing in Falmouth, ME.  We used to live just a mile down the road....and this was a regular hangout for us. We all loved exploring the beach and the boys enjoyed catching crabs. Town Landing Market, at the corner, was a great spot to pick up sandwiches, fresh lobster, or treats of any kind.  And this was the very spot where Paul's first church held Easter sunrise it was most certainly a sentimental journey. 

We had a couple of visitors watching with us.

"Sometimes I need stand wherever I am to be blessed."  Mary Oliver

We couldn't help but drive through the parking lot of Foreside Community Church....where Paul's career began.

And it was quite a treat on the way home to see this little herd of deer in a neighborhood near the condo.  One of them was white with brown spots....I'd never seen anything like it before.  

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