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Saturday, April 3, 2021

The Color Purple

Just because I haven't posted about found objects in a while doesn't mean there hasn't been any.  More days than not Paul comes home with a little treasure in his hand....and I find them I'm catching you up.  They're funny little things....and like all the other found objects that fill my jar...they all have a story that we'll never know about.

The jeep at the top is in two parts....Paul found the first part...and I found the second...on different days.  That made us chuckle.  I told him a while back when I posted my wreath image that I needed more he picks up every bit of purple he finds...and today it was the purple pipe cleaner already shaped like a heart. I would really love to know that story. And purple has added significance today because it's the last day of lent....and purple is the liturgical color for lent. 

But the best purple came when Paul was walking in the rain a few weeks ago found this piece of purple chalk....and it was soaking wet. Being a loyal participant in this project that he is....he carried it home despite the fact that his hand ended up covered in wet purple chalk.  It took more than a week for it to dry out....and today I left him message on our patio.

Today I'm celebrating purple....and my partner in finding funny little objects.

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