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Sunday, April 25, 2021

They Planted A Tree!

In my sister Angie's obituary we said: "In lieu of flowers donate your time and love as Angie did. Share you abundance, lend your gifts, plant a tree or donate to a church or charity that supports human connections with each other and with nature."  

Tracie and her husband Loon did just that....they planted a tree. And late last night Tracie texted me a few photos and this note that brought me to tears.  What a special gift at the end of a fabulous birthday.

Little did Tracie know that Angie has actually played a prominent role in an ongoing birthday celebration....thanks to my other three sisters....(more on that later) she was already on my mind.  Coincidence?  I think not.

I look forward to visiting the tree next time I'm in Orton Park.  

You can read about Tracie and Loon and their love of trees and their precious Orton Park here in this blog post:

They've planted a lot of trees.  Thank you Tracie and Loon! 💜

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