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Monday, April 26, 2021

Holding Place

The mini daffodils at the corner of my rock wall are finally in full bloom....and they make me smile. As does this sweet little found object that Paul picked up.  It's purple...and it's perfect.  

It's joining all the other recently found objects in the wooden bowl on my "Connie cupboard." At first I just had some of my special hearts in this bowl....but it has become the holding place for the things we find before they make their way into the jar. Yes...Paul found 4 perfectly good crayons.  I'll probably use well as the stiff red paintbrush and the pencil.  Sometimes found objects are actually useful.

I love this cupboard (you can read the story about it here in this post.)....and I've auditioned and changed up the art and what's on it a dozen time or so.....and don't be surprised if I change it again.  But I'm also embracing the fact that it's become the holding place for things in transition.

There is an extra little collection of found bottles there on the right that came in a birthday box. They will live here for a few days too before they transition somewhere else.....but that's a fun "sister story" for tomorrow.  

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