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Tuesday, April 27, 2021


Several weeks ago my three sisters, Nancy, LaVonn, and Marilyn all went to Angie's house in Missouri to do a last clean-out. 

One of my large hosta plants emerging.....
it will be unfurling soon!

The house has been sold....and it was time to sort, pitch and retrieve.  I wish I could have joined them....but it was before my 2nd vaccine and I felt like I shouldn't fly again until I was fully vaccinated.  They all live within driving distance.....long drives....but doable and I'm grateful they took the time to go.

It was a lot of work....and they got a deeper glimpse into Angie's life....and the things she saved.

As they were working they all kept me in mind skimming off things they thought I would appreciate and each one of them sent me things for my birthday.  I will need to report on all of them separately....because they are all unique and have stories that go long with them. Today I'm starting with Marilyn.  

Her box included lots fun things....treats, a puzzle, and an amazing flameless candle that goes through the whole spectrum of colors for the patio.  You can watch a little video here on my Instagram page is you're so inclined.

Marilyn selected a few more of Angie's little bottles to send me me....and a vintage tin of "Allen's Foot=Ease powder." Some of the bottles have mysterious substances....and some are labeled including 'Fasteeth" denture powder!  Angie had interesting collections for sure. If you don't know about her can read a little bit about them here:


The rainbow "shelfie" puzzle is fabulous....Margie and I will both enjoy it....  

...and Marilyn's sense of humor came through in the little fabric picture. She turned these colorful circles into germs...honoring the past year of COVID.  Pretty clever!


There were also a collections of papers in the box including some of Angie's writing....and lots of cutouts and snippets including this beautiful image. 

What touches me the most is that each of my sisters included me even though I wasn't there.  I am blessed with wonderful sisters. I had 5 and now I have 3....and I look forward to the time the 4 of us can gather again.  Next time I'll be there!

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