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Monday, May 24, 2021


It's been almost 4 years to the day since we first moved into the condo....and a little more than 3 months since we moved in full time.  I keep plugging away at things inside and out....and although it seems like I have a way to go.....we've also come a long way.  

This "Paint Chip" runner was the first thing I moved in....and still makes me smile everytime I come in the door. And it continues to be my inspiration scheme....inside and out.  We like it colorful.

Today was one of those wonderful Maine days when it was warm in the sun....and downright chilly in the shade.  I did all kinds of outside chores and loved every minute of it. 

I cleaned up my little corner woodland garden and added a little bit of coleus for a touch of color.  We have quite a collection found driftwood in this garden....more on that another time. 
The verbena is all planted along the patio....this time a mixture of three colors. And the foliage is finally growing on the rain lilies in the blue pot....and I have a few more buds coming.

I was excited to see a tall stem of buds on my tiny yellow daylily and tried to take a photo....but laughed when I actually saw it.  The buds are totally out of focus in the foreground and it's actually a photo of my yard littered with a rainbow of garden tools. There's my teal green kneeling bench, (which I can't live without) an orange watering can, a yellow handled shovel, and a purple and yellow tub. Like I said....we like things colorful around here!  
Speaking of was chilly enough to need my fabulous handwoven blanket. 
Life is good on a colorful cool evening in Maine.

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