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Sunday, May 23, 2021

It's Back!

And it's beautiful! A good reminder that when you get what you thrive.  

thrive:  verb  
1. to grow vigorously: flourish
2. to progress toward or rezlize a goal despite or because of circumstances

For those of you who don't know the story of this desperate hosta I forgot I wintered in the can read about it here:

I actually think it's better than ever.

One of my favorite woodland plants is back too....and is just starting to bloom.  Yep...I'm going to celebrate the sarsaparilla every year.

If I didn't know better this might just be a tree sapling...or just another green plant in the woods. But because I know better....I know to check underneath. 
You can barely see the blooms in this photo on the left...but they're there...tucked underneath.  I had to pick them to get a decent photo...and I'll watch these on my kitchen window sill for a while.  The blooms always seem to come in sets of favorite number.

Aren't they fantastik....or is it just me. There are dozens of them in the woods.

When I looked back at the hosta post....I had just started my Bookshelf puzzle.  I'm on the home stretch now....with just a few books left....but that celebration is for another post. I'm slow walking the finish line.

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