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Monday, May 3, 2021


"Today, I am letting go of all of the 'should have beens' and am embracing everything that is. Today I am letting go of how I thought it should be and am embracing how it is.  Today, I am grateful for how it is. Even if I wished it would be different.  Even if I never thought I would be here. Today, I am embracing all that is right in front of me with love, gratitude, acceptance, and joy. Because there really is so much in front of me, there is so much to love. And today, I am choosing to love it all."  Nikki Banas

This is both a story about a big oops....and how tough a hosta plant really is.  I've done this "oops" before......and it turned out I hope that's the case this time.  

But I'm going to start with something the large hosta in the garden that is starting to unfurl (still love that word so take every chance I have to use it).....and the Christmas cactus bloom fully open in all its glory. It looks like it's sticking out its bright pink tongue.

Now for the oops. I often put hosta plants in pots.....sometimes as part of a mixture with other shade loving plants.  And...sometimes I leave one in a pot and just set it in the garage for the I did last fall.  After the move in February....the garage got buried and the hosta completely forgotten.

Do you see it there behind the chair....searching for light and water.  OOPS! My heart was broken. Do plants have feelings?
I quickly got it outside and drenched it with water and I'm going to acclimate it to the sun little by little. The real question is will it green up?  Light, water, soil and nutrients....that's what plants need to thrive and this poor thing was deprived of two.

It's kind of a cool color....and it you didn't know better and from the the right angle you would think it was a beautiful spring bloom. But I know better. 

But to end on a positive note....the edge pieces are all sorted and I'm ready to roll on "Bookshelf."  There is so much right in front of me to love.

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