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Tuesday, May 4, 2021


I've started another 2 week class with Tansy Hargan....this time it's Mixed Media Thumbnail Sketching.  I wished I would have taken this class before I took her textile class....but I know I'll revisit that again in due time. Yesterday we got familiar with our tools.....and I'm only using things I already have....pens, pencils, and various paints and other art media.  

Today our assignment was to paint 30 tiny little swatches using layers of color and mark making....and we'll use these in the next lessons. I started with scraps of book pages, Angie's writing, maps, and other recycled papers.

I have given up trying to predict what Tansy has in store for the next lesson....but I'll see tomorrow.  Today it was playing with bright happy colors.....what's not to love about that. You can watch a little time lapse video of all my swatches here on my Instagram page:

And...what's not to love about a wabi-sabi kind of looks like my swatches.

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