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Wednesday, May 5, 2021

Some Days.....

We don't always get to choose exactly what we want to do in any given day.....but we can control these 5 things. I think I did OK today.

Some days just seem to fly right by leaving little time for was one of those days.  Meetings, household tasks and know those days...we all have them.  And days like this make me really appreciate ones I can spend in the studio. I'm taking a more relaxed pace with my new class....making it work around whatever life puts in front of me. It's more relaxing and fun that way and we have access to the content for several months. And there will be days when there is time....I'm sure of that.


But I did sit with my breakfast and coffee and got a good start on the puzzle....there's always a few minutes for a puzzle.  The border is done as well as a few books in the top corner. It's going to be very meditative to go book by book...exploring the titles and appreciating the colors and textures of the bindings. I will be thinking about Philippa's connection to every single book....the first one in the upper right hand corner was written by her mother, Cynthia Stanton. How cool is that!

I am also celebrating the fact that the leaves are finally's really starting to look like spring. Some days I still need my gloves and hat when we walk....but there will be warm days coming too....I'm sure of that.

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