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Friday, May 7, 2021


Sunlight and water.....the magic ingredients for photosynthesis.

I'm quite relieved to see hints of green appearing on my neglected hosta.  I think it's going go be I've gone from phew!

It already looks so much better than the pasty yellow it was when I rescued it from the garage.

I'm becoming familiar with my homemade viewfinder sketchbook....I'm going to be looking at the world one square inch at a time for a little while. I have several small lessons that will lead into a weekend project....and as my practice I'm going to focus on the rocks along my fence.  You gotta start somewhere.  

I've taken dozens of photos of these rocks...and the sky, clouds, and sunsets behind them and all of that history will feed into the project.
I have five at one end and three at the other.....and I love their silhouette.  

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