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Saturday, May 8, 2021

Mom's Desk

Paul and I took Margie on a little drive along the waterfront in Portland for  an early Mother's Day. 

It's always a good day when there's a little coast involved....especially with two of my favorite people.

This is also a good day to celebrate this desk that belonged to my mother.  She went through a phase where she painted and antiqued furniture....including our upright piano and this desk.

When I was in high school I refinished it and I got to keep it....and I've treasured it ever since.  In Lexington it was upstairs in the guest room, but now it has a more featured spot in the dining room. I love it here.  
It fits just perfectly on this wall right outside the kitchen....and that makes me happy 

My rainbow collection of little vases coordinates nicely with this cross stitch my friend Patsy made me for my 40th birthday.  

I'm thinking of my mom this weekend....I know she would have loved to visit us here at the condo and she'd be pleased that I still have her desk.

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