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Sunday, May 9, 2021


What a fabulously beautiful Mother's Day it was today!  I did a little gardening, a little puzzling, and a little puttering.  It was a very good day.

These are blooms from  Sandy's fuchsia plant across the street. It's hard to believe that all that splashy color comes out of those red round buds. 

To be honest....I thought almost the same thing when my two sons came out of my round belly. They're kind of splashy in their own unique ways and I'm proud to be their mom.

The weekend project for the Thumbnail Sketching class was to choose a theme for some mini collages based on sketches we made using our homemade viewfinders.  I chose the theme of "foreground and background"  and focused on the simple shapes of the rocks along the top of my fence.  I love the rocks themselves....but sometimes it's what's behind that is the star of the show....the beautiful sky with the fluffy clouds and spectacular sunsets.

On the left half the page I focused on the foreground...and the right half I focused on the background. 

Here I used color in the foreground....and neutrals in the background....which, by the way, included some of Angie's handwriting.  And....I turned a few of the thumbnails collages on their side just for interest.

And the reverse for the others....the color was in the background and the neutrals were in front. It was a very interesting and enjoyable theme exercise.


  1. Hi MaryAnn. I just discovered your blog not long ago and I just love it. It's an inspiration to me every morning. These thumbnail sketches are fascinating. What is the class you are taking? Looks wonderful. Happy Mother's Day.

    1. Hello....welcome! So glad you found joyful puttering. I'll explain more about the course in the post tomorrow for the benefit of anyone else who might want to know. Thanks for reaching out.
