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Monday, May 10, 2021

Tiny is Good

I told Paul I was quite pleased with the size of our most recently found objects. It's going to be hard to stop this habit of picking up things we find on our tiny is good.  And just in case you were wondering I do know I don't have to save everything....and I do edit some things out.  

I did notice that the most newest items match the rescued garage hosta....that continues to green up up nicely, by the way.

Paul's neon shirt matches too...and another round yellow object on this morning's walk.

And for the sake of the new is some of my collection.

Someone new has stumbled onto the blog and has asked about the class I'm taking. I don't know her name....but I'm so glad she's interested.  So here's the scoop in case anyone else missed my intro.

The class is called "Mixed Media Thumbnail Sketching"  by Tansy Hargan....known as palimpsestparade on Instagram.  Tansy is a landscape architect turned artist from the UK. Tansy is helping us use all our senses to get connected to a space....then...using a viewfinder we are isolating areas are looking for lines and shapes for our thumbnail sketches.  We are using all kinds of media and mark making tools....I didn't buy a thing for the course.

The class goes for 2 weeks with a new video lesson posted every morning.  We can work at our own pace and the lessons will be available until the end of September. The wonder of the internet allows us all to take classes from artists all over the world.....reminding me how connected we all really are. 

Today I took my sketchbook and viewfinders I made from some old postcards and sat at our gazebo on the pond in our neighborhood.  I'm not really very good at this....but it was a delightful experience. Tomorrow we are going to add I'll share more at that point.
Two other readers reached out earlier this month...Marilyn and "Goldencomet".....thank you to the two of you too!  I so love hearing from people. Collecting, creating, and connecting....that's what this is all about!

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