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Wednesday, May 19, 2021

Springtime In The Woods

I get pretty excited when the wildflowers in the woods start to appear....and every year I blog/brag about them.  So sorry for the repeat....I can't help myself.  Here's what I have blooming right now:

This is a sweet little golden seal.  There's just this one and it hasn't grown or spread....but it keeps showing up.

The woodland floor is covered with these little Star Flowers....and they even grow in the base of some of the tree trunks.

I introduced the Sweet Woodruff and it's doing well.  I love the foliage and the very sweet little flowers.

There are lots of these sweet little Canada Mayflowers spread around too.  

And the white Trillium I got from my sister Nancy is turning from white to pink as it starts to go by.
All of the woodland flowers are white but my Brunnera is a sweet little pop of blue in the little garden I put in at the corner of the woods. I do love springtime blooms in the woods....and there's more to come!

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