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Thursday, May 20, 2021

Tap Root

I sat outside on the patio into the evening as the sun was was a delightful cool spring evening. Something bright red caught my eye in my little garden at the corner of the woods....I couldn't figure out what it could be.  

As I got closer I could see that it was the setting sun shining through the coral bell leaf and it was a spectacular color. I love when something unexpected happens like this that captures your attention.

This coral bell is a dark burgundy color....unless the setting sun is streaming through it...then it's bright cherry red!   

I spent all morning in my was a perfect gardening day.  I forgot to take a photo...but I had a whole nursery of plants I gave away to Dana and Anne...and that felt good.  I love to share plants. 

As I was tweaking and weeding I pulled up several of these oak tree shoots.  It was quite satisfying pulling them out with the long tap root that had already gone deep as the little sapling tried to settle in.  

I found the emerging seedlings to be quite fascinating......Mother Nature continues to amaze me. But I don't want oak trees growing they made their way into the woods to decompose.  That's a good thing too.

Then I spent some time this afternoon helping Sandy and Jim across the street with the spring clean-up in their garden.  I helped them put this garden in several years ago and most of the plants came from the parsonage in Lexington.  Like I said...I love sharing plants.  Sandy will add annuals along the front and then we'll finish spreading the mulch.  Their gardens are thriving....and pretty soon they'll be able to pay it forward and give plants to someone else for their new garden.  Perennials just keep on giving.

When I share my plants...people inherit all the textures and shades of green that I love.

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