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Friday, June 11, 2021

Clear As Day

I'm reaffirming my own mantra today....there's always joy.  

I woke up this morning with a couple of things causing me frustration and concern.  Nothing for anyone to worry about....things will be fine.....I'm certain of that....but I was in a grouchy and kind of sad mood that I wasn't sure I would shake off.  But a friend helped remember that it was OK to feel that way sometimes....which reminded me that even in the midst of tough stuff there is always joy.  Today, even with my angst, was no exception.

1.  I woke up to the first bloom on my tiny yellow daylily...a plant that has moved with me from house to house  It was like full sun on what ended up being a cloudy chilly day. 

2.  A friend shared some really good news about a health concern....such a relief. That alone, would have been enough.

3.  While trying to tidy up the garage I came across my mosquito.....a treasure from a sister gathering.  I love this little guy and am so happy to have him back on the patio.  You can read that story here:

4. Janice came across some "found objects" in her lawn and took the time to send me a photo.  I warned her that it doesn't take long to get she'd better find a jar.

5. Then.....during my garage project I uncovered the little aqua candlepin bowling ball Janice gave me years ago....and now it's in my front garden.  It was a "re-found object."

6. Anita sent along 2 beautiful photos she knew I would love from her daughter Becky who is vacationing in Iceland. Nothing like a couple of rainbows to cheer you up! 

Paul has always dreamed of going to Iceland....which made this even more fun.

7.  An ongoing conversation over messenger  today with my sisters sharing stories of fixed car air conditioners, bamboo....and strawberries.  I love these virtual conversations where we share our lives.  One sister was in England, one in Evansville, WI, and the other on a now not so hot drive to Sioux Falls, SD.

8.  Paul made a fabulous he does every night.  Yes...he's taken over the cooking....almost completely.  

Some days the joys are subtle and you have to look for them...and other days...when you need them most...they are clear as day and practically smack you in the face. Today was one of those days I needed to be smacked in the face.

Everything is going to be just fine.

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