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Saturday, June 12, 2021

River Trail

"We are dreaming of a time when the land might give thanks for the people."  Robin Wall Kimmerer

Today....I am giving thanks for the land.

I'm more of an urban neighborhood kind of walker....but every once in a while Paul gets me into the woods....and it never disappoints. He's good for me that way. This morning we walked part of the Presumpscot River Trail I've not done before....and it was just lovely.

We drive over this bridge all the time to go to the grocery store....and don't think much about it. But today....this is where our walk began.

The trail meanders along the Presumpscot River......with interesting wooded areas, a few meadows, and of course the river.  You would eventually get to the Presumpscot Falls on this path....but we didn't go that far.  That's another path.....on another day.

There was a second point where we passed under the Highway 100....and it was strange to feel so far away from things...and yet hear the cars rumbling above.
This was an interesting section....with a HUGE patch of bamboo just getting started.  It will be interesting to go back when it's was just thick.

This was fun....a couple of very long vines that had been cut down were just tangling from the tree.  I actually took a video...or thought I did....but somehow it ended up being just 2 seconds long.  I think it would have been kind of I'll try again next time.  

And look what we stumbled upon....more Ragged Robin.  It's become one of my favorites. 

And just like that.....I have three daylily blooms.

Paul told me there was a couple of days he didn't get my post in his email...including the one from last night.  In case that is happening to you I have no explanation.  I write every day and and the online posts can be found at:

And sometime soon I'm actually going to have to deal with the "subscribe by email" issue.  I've clearly been avoiding it.  I just keep waiting for the tech fairy to come and save me.  


  1. Enjoyed your photos. I see an art quilt with the photo of the trees reaching to the sky. Have you ever seen Gloria Loughman's work. She is from Australia and does really interesting trees. I've included a link to her website. There are lots of cool photos in her gallery.

    1. It was a beautiful walk! Thanks for the link....Gloria does beautiful work. Inspirational!
