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Wednesday, June 30, 2021

Happy Toes

This is what you get when you're at the pool by yourself and you try and capture the joy of a morning swim on a hot day.

But I really wanted to share my happy toes! Both Paul and I really enjoy our morning swims.....he was on his bike this morning.

Speaking of water....for better or worse....I'm taking another class. It's called Celtic Seascapes by Izzy Moore, the same instructor I took the Swirls of Color class from. Izzy lives in the UK and is a textile and embroidery artist. I've gotten to know her through her class, social media, and now her podcast: Izzy and Gina...In Stitches.

This was my main Swirls class project....and I went on to do several other things using skills I learned. Seascapes will be a similar process....but I enjoy Izzy's teaching style and I know I will learn something new.  And....the structure of a class will get me sewing again.....and what's not to love about the sea.

I'm just getting started.....I'm watching a lot of the videos ahead so I know what's coming. We will work at our own pace so I will spread it out over time and I will be sure to share some of my progress. will certainly involve a lot of these fabulous sea colors. 

This is one of Izzy's Seascapes....I love the rain! 

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