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Tuesday, June 29, 2021

Color Surprise

Clarke and I are pretty certain the new subscription service from Mailchimp is working. So if you subscribe by email and didn't see the new email post check your other promotions or spam.  I do know that happened to one person but it can be moved to go to your primary inbox.  You may get two emails again with this post....but hopefully the old service will go away on its own...or we will figure out how to deactivate it.  And when I say "we".....I mean Clarke. I'm just cheering her on!  She's a good sport!

"The day you plant the seed is not the day you eat the fruit." 
Fabienne Fredrickson

A few weeks ago I mentioned I planted sunflower seeds in a pot that my sister Nancy gave me.....and today I can safely say they might make it.  It will be awhile before I see the fruit flowers...but it will be fun to watch the progress. 

There may be a few too many in the I may put a few in the ground.  I don't plant things from seed very often so we'll see how it goes.  I keep moving the pot around my mostly shaded patio to maximize the sun exposure.

I don't know what's cuter....the chalk hearts we saw on our walk....or the arrows from the driveway leading to them.  

And this was a bit of a color surprise on the lawn. It was 90 degrees and very humid today so maybe this was helping me channel fall air.  Not that I'm wishing summer away....I'm just wishing this heat and humidity away.  This little color surprise helped.  

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