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Wednesday, August 25, 2021

Alyson's Bones

Margie joined us at the condo for Alyson and Langston's first day....we had a wonderful visit!  I didn't have my camera out at all so I have no photos to share.....but I have Alyson's permission to share a story about her love of bones.

As I mentioned before Alyson and I have been exchanging our favorite nature photos every evening for several months's been a great way to connect and celebrate something that caught our eye.  A few nights ago I sent her this photo....a scruffy large piece of bone that Paul thinks might be from a cow.  This is not the first time Alyson has seen this on to hear the whole story.  

I will warn you that I'm writing this a little late in the I hope it makes sense.  My mind kind of shuts down after 9:00.

Alyson actually has a bone collection which started way back when she was 9 years old and found this cow femur.  She named it Boney and slept with for years. 

Alyson has other bones too...skulls, spines and even a whole opossum.....which is especially special because that is the nickname she gave her daughter Clarke. 

So back to the bone on my patio....I actually sent Alyson this photo back in June when Paul and I first came across the bone on our walk.

We didn't touch it....I just took a photo for my evening exchange with Alyson because I knew she loved bones.  She was a little disappointed we didn't pick it up for her. She didn't know until a few days ago that we did actually go back the next day and picked it up and it's been sitting in our backyard ever since.  And yes....she is going to take it home to add to her collection.  

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