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Tuesday, August 24, 2021


Paul's sister Alyson and her son Langston are arriving later this evening from Colorado.  It's always good having family in the house!  But what that means is I've spent the last couple of days cleaning and spiffing things up....always a good thing.  My house is always grateful....I'm not the best housekeeper.

There was also a little puttering because I finally found this little container of goodies packed up for the move. I've been looking for it for months.  

It's a variety of treasures that were on a little shelf in the dining room in Lexington. I love the collection of tiny is stone.  ( There were other things on the shelf that had to be packed more carefully that I already found...but this little pile has been missing in action.

The shelf has been hanging for a while between the living and dining room....and today I did a little rearranging and the little vases are now where they were meant to be. Per will probably be tweaked....but I always enjoy a little house puttering.

I've always loved this painting of my grandmother done by my Aunt Beverly.

Here's a context photo....and as you can see my puzzle table is the center of the universe.  We're ready for houseguests!

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