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Sunday, August 29, 2021

One Year Anniversary

It's been one full year since Becky, Brenda and I started our 4 x 6 art card exchange....and none of us have missed a week. We'll be finishing up round 18 this next week....each round is 3 weeks long.  The first week of each round we send to one....the second week to the other and we keep the third week's card. Including this coming week we've each done 54 cards x 3 of us that's a total of 162 little pieces of art...and there's no talk of stopping. 

I've been keeping my cards in these little boxes....right next to the cards from my 100 day project.  I've thumbed through them again and again.  

Like I mentioned yesterday I've been water doodling....and later this week I'll share my exchange with Emily. 

I had a lot of rejects...and scraps from making Becky and Brenda's card....and you know how I feel about scraps.  So rather than doing a new doodle....I embraced my scraps and trimmed edges and patched together my keeper card for round 18th.  

It's a little goofy....but I'm going with it!

Here are is Becky's card for round 18......

.....and here is Brenda's.  

Round 18  ✔

Happy Anniversary! 

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