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Saturday, August 28, 2021

Water Doodles

Remember the water ripples in the pool reflecting the light yesterday? I got a little addicted to this water doodling the last several weeks so it became the theme for round 18 of the 4 x 6 art card exchange.  It was inspired by my Goddaughter Emily who sent me a video of the artist's technique several weeks ago.  We decided to do an exchange....and that's what started my water doodling journey.  I will share more about our exchange next week when we get each others project.  In the meantime....these were a few of my side projects.

This was the card I made for  Becky a few weeks ago.....
...and if you look closely you can see that the base layer is gel print on a map.

I forgot to take process photos with Becky's....but I remembered for Brenda' I'll take you through the steps. 

Brenda's card started with a "not so great" gel print on a piece of sheet music. I drew some random shapes with an aqua Posca marker.......then filled in the negative space and rounded out all the corners.    

As an experiment on this one I outlined this first layer of shapes with black pen.  I wanted it it's a very fine line. It not only framed the shapes a little bit...but I thought it was a bit of a nod to the lines in the sheet music.

I used the same technique with  layer of green.
I was pretty happy with the result....stay tuned next week for my exchange with Emily.

Tracie texted me this photo in response to my pool photo.....the sun's water doodles on Lake Superior!  Gotta' love Mother Nature! 


  1. Okay. so this is another serendipity. Yesterday, Wanda Harmon posted a Brandon Mabley "animal print" she had chosen for the border to a quilt ...looked like the match for your water doodles. I found a closeup online, and not as similar, but both Mother Nature at work. (The link is huge, but Google "brandon mabley animal print fabric" if you're curious.) :) Mary

    1. Yes....I can see the resemblance! Fun! I've bought colorwash fabric packs from Wanda...she's quite a talent! Thanks Mary!
